Scriv and the Misbehaving Curly Quotes

Posted May 4th, 2014 by wirefish

I’ve been fighting with Scriv mucking up my curly quotes, especially at the end of sentences after an em-dash.

My workflow for my beta is to export a section from Scriv to a Word (.doc) format.  I never noticed the problem when I was using OpenOffice, but then I was also NOT compiling several scenes into one chapter. I suspect the problem is related to compiling, not so much Word/OpenOffice/NeoOffice.


Here is the fix I found. So far, it seems to be working, for new stuff.

However, for posting to Ashwinder, I’m having to manually fix the things. I search/replace the curlies with straights. For reference, here are the codes for those, if you’re wondering.

  • ”=End curly, or right quote
  • “=Start curly, or left quote
  • "=Straight

Wiki’s page on glyph unicode.

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