February 26th, 2014

Here’s a free 90 minute webinar on neuroscience and MBTI. Dario Nandi has been doing interesting research showing how the brains of folks of different personality types actually respond differently to stimulus. https://www.fuzemeeting.com/replay_meeting/9225cf28/5954279 Type underpins my characterizations and emerges in deep POV. I have too much fun playing type games.

I’m in a class that’s led by Angela Knight, who was interviewed for this podcast. Well, it’s actually an episode of NPR’s On Point. It’s about 45 minutes, but pretty interesting to listen to. (And reminds me how far behind I am.) The Big Business of Bodice Rippers

Well, it’s done

February 24th, 2014

I just posted my last chapter on both Ashwinder and AO3. The hiatus is now in effect. I feel like I’ve just announced the end-of-year code freeze. I’m doing the right thing. I know it through & through — but I’m still glum about it. As nerve-wracking as the whole weekly thing had become, there […]

Genre and why it matters (to me)

February 21st, 2014

The first NaNo I ever attempted I managed to finish. That was back in 2005, and the characters in the story had been in my head for a good 30 years. Writing it down was almost like dictation: it was in my head, just needed to be transcribed. The working title was “Hookahs,” just as […]

Housework help

February 19th, 2014